Offroad Workshop

Orientation and Navigation with GPS

This one-day course is designed for the needs of offroad vehicle drivers. Previous knowledge is not necessary. The course will be conducted in open terrain in special areas of northern Italy.

In the morning theory (basic course) is scheduled and in the afternoon there is the workshop with practical exercises.


0900 to 1300 Basic Course
1300 to 1400 Lunchtime
1400 to 1800 Practical Workshop

The content of the basic course you will see here.

The workshop consists of the following issues:

  • customizing of the own GPs receiver
  • Following a trail
  • Create own trails and plan the navigation
  • Presentation and introduction in FUGAWI with georeferenced maps of the area (Tagliamento and Meduna)
  • Create a trail using FUGAWI
  • Analysis of tracks
  • Questions and open issues

Documents for the course and the exercises you will get at the begin of the course. Please bring your GPS receiver with data cable as well as a pencil and a liner. The course will be conducted in open terrain so you can bring a camping seat if available.

The costs for this workshop are 90 EUR per vehicle with driver and co-driver. Maximum number of participants are 8 vehicles. This course takes place in Italy (other locations on request). Additional infos and dates on request.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us under email